Best Paper Award for relAI PhD student Lukas Gosch


The recent work of relAI PhD student Lukas Gosch has won the Best Paper Award at the 3rd AdvML-Frontiers workshop at the 38th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2024). The workshop and paper presentation took place at the Vancouver Convention Center in Canada on December 14th, 2024.

Lukas is a PhD student at relAI, advised by the relAI Co-Director Prof. Dr. Stephan Günnemann. His research focuses on robust and reliable machine learning, as well as machine learning on graphs.

The award-winning paper „Provable Robustness of (Graph) Neural Networks Against Data Poisoning and Backdoor Attacks“, that Lukas authored together with Mahalakshmi Sabanayagam and relAI Fellows Debarghya Ghoshdastidar and Stephan Günnemann, develops the first architecture-aware certification technique for common neural networks against poisoning and backdoor attacks.

Explore this outstanding paper here.

Our sincerest congratulations to Lukas and his co-authors on this achievement!

We are excited to announce that the call for applications to the PhD program 2025 of our Konrad Zuse School of Excellence in Reliable AI (relAI) is now open!

The novel, innovative PhD relAI program offers a cross-sectional training for successful education in AI including scientific knowledge, professional development courses and industrial exposure, providing a coherent, yet flexible and personalised training.

Funded applicants will receive a full salary for three years, including social benefits (TV-L E13 of the German public sector). They are further supported by travel grants, e.g. for conference attendance, research stays or home travel. Doctoral students are hosted by a relAI Fellow who helps them to define their research project. Depending on the affiliation of this hosting fellow they enrol at TUM or LMU.

We highly encourage you to apply if you have: 

  • an excellent master’s degree (or equivalent) in computer science, mathematics, engineering, natural sciences or other data science/machine learning/AI related disciplines;
  • a genuine interest to work on a topic of reliable AI covering aspects such as safety, security, privacy and responsibility in one relAI’s research areas Mathematical & Algorithmic foundations, Algorithmic Decision-Making, Medicine & Healthcare or Robotics & Interacting Systems;
  • certified proficiency in English.

📆 Application Deadline: January 13th, 2025

🔗 Apply now:

Please help us in spreading the word, especially to excellent international candidates.

Congratulations! relAI student Sameer Ambekar wins the best paper award at the MICCAI Workshop on Advancing Data Solutions in Medical Imaging AI (ADSMI). 

Sameer is a PhD student at relAI, advised by the relAI Fellow Julia A. Schnabel. His research focusses on test-time adaptation and domain generalization for medical imaging. 

His award-winning paper “Selective Test-Time Adaptation for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection using Neural Implicit Representations”, co-authored with Julia A. Schnabel and Cosmin Bereca, presents a novel zero-shot methodology to adapt models in real time to test images from new domains using deep pre-trained features. The approach is validated on brain anomaly detection data. 

This work addresses domain shift at test-time, which Sameer explains in more detail in his recently published relAI blog post. In the post, you can also learn about the importance of handling domain shifts to make AI more reliable:  

Congratulations on this achievement!  

We are excited to announce that our second call for applications to the fully funded PhD program of our Konrad Zuse School of Excellence in Reliable AI (relAI) is now open. 

Spread the word and submit your application by January 15th, 2024 here

On the 11th and 12th of October, relAI welcomed the new cohort of relAI Master and Doctoral students. The event included informative sessions about relAI and networking activities. At the Munich Data Science Institute (MDSI), TUM, the relAI directors and coordinators presented the relAI program to the new students. The first relAI cohort of students organised a lively interactive session (photo) to welcome and get to know the new students.

Congratulations to the relAI PhD Student Lisa Wimmer, the relAI fellow Bernd Bischl, and the relAI director Stephan Günnemann on the best paper award of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2023).

ECML PKDD is Europe’s top machine learning and data mining conference, with over 20 years of successful events and conferences across the continent. The ECML PKDD 2023 was held in Turin, Italy from the 18th to the 22nd of September 2023.

List of authors and title of the awarded paper:Jonas Gregor Wiese, Lisa Wimmer, Theodore Papamarkou, Bernd Bischl, Stephan Günnemann, David Rügamer    
Towards Efficient MCMC Sampling in Bayesian Neural Networks by Exploiting Symmetry

We are excited to announce that applications for the relAI PhD program are now open. Interested candidates can apply through our website. Deadline for applications is January 9th, 2023.

The novel, innovative PhD relAI program offers a cross-sectional training for successful education in AI including scientific knowledge, professional development courses and industrial exposure, providing a coherent, yet flexible and personalised training.

Funded applicants will be hired for three years, including social benefits (TV-L E13 of the German public sector). They are further supported by travel grants, e.g. for conference attendance or research stays. Doctoral students enrol at TUM or LMU depending on the hosting relAI fellow.

We encourage candidates with an excellent master’s degree (or equivalent) in computer science, mathematics, engineering, natural sciences or other data science/machine learning/AI related disciplines and a genuine interest to work on a topic of reliable AI to apply.