Professional Development Training

The subject-related relAI curriculum is enriched by Professional Development Trainings. The following tables list courses offered by the relAI participating universities recognized in our program.

relAI Students interested in joining a course from a university different to their affiliation (e.g., LMU Student with interest in a TUM training) are encouraged to contact the relAI Coordinators.

Training summer term 2023/24

EthicsTarget Group
Cross-sectional lecture History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine (TUM)MSc
Entrepreneurship, leadership, and businessTarget Group
Impact Innovation Lab (LMU)PhD & MSc
Application strategies - How to market yourself (TUM)PhD
Starting Up: From Ideas to Successful Business (LMU)PhD & MSc
Business Plan Basic Seminar (UnternehmerTUM) (open to TUM & LMU Students)PhD & MSc
All Women - drive your life! (TUM)PhD
Collaborative Negotiation (TUM)PhD
Essential Skills for a Career in Industry - How to Be More Employable in the Private Sector (TUM)PhD
Science CommunicationTarget Group
Presentation Skills (LMU)*PhD
Giving Academic Talks (LMU)PhD
Scientific Writing and Yoga Retreat (TUM)PhD
Präsentationstraining (LMU)PhD
Communication and Teams (LMU)PhD
Working and Collaborating as International Researcher - Challenges, Chances, Strategies (LMU)PhD
Scientific Writing Workshop (TUM)PhD
Optimizing Writing Strategies in English (LMU)PhD
Scientific Paper Writing (Advanced) (TUM)PhD
Presenting your Research in Conference Talks and Poster Sessions (TUM)PhD
Project Management and Time Management: Realize your goals in an efficient and resilient way (TUM)PhD
Online Scientific Presentations: Present your Results Convincingly (TUM)PhD
Networking (TUM)PhD
Good scientific practice and responsible researchTarget Group
eLearning: Good Research Practice during Doctoral (TUM)PhD
E-Learning Course "Scientific Integrity and Good Scientific Practice" (LMU)PhD
Personality and self-managementTarget Group
Self-confidence and assertiveness: Strong in challenging situations (TUM)PhD
The Powerful Voice (TUM)PhD
Stress release for the scientific minded (TUM)PhD
Mental Health (TUM)PhD
Emotional Intelligence (TUM)PhD
*Students with interest in the course are encouraged to join the waiting list

Training fall term 2023/24

Science CommunicationTarget Group
Lesestrategien fĂ¼r Wissensarbeiter:innen (TUM)PhD
Scientific Writing and Yoga Retreat (TUM)PhD
Wissenschaftliches Schreiben -- mit kreativen Methoden leicht gemacht (TUM)PhD
Scientific Paper Writing Basics (TUM)PhD
Scientific Writing Workshop - 8 weeks (TUM)PhD
Presenting your Research in Conference Talks and Poster Sessions (TUM)PhD
Dissertation Writers' Workshop (TUM)PhD
Presentation Basics: Present your Results Convincingly (TUM)PhD
Designing and Presenting Scientific Posters (LMU)PhD
Writing and Publishing of Papers, Reviews and Theses (LMU)PhD
Good scientific practice and responsible researchTarget Group
eLearning: Good Research Practice during Doctoral (TUM)PhD
Scientific Integrity and Good Scientific Practice (LMU)PhD
Entrepreneurship, leadership, and businessTarget Group
All Women - drive your life! (TUM)PhD
Be a strong and authentic female leader (TUM)PhD
Artificial Intelligence for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (UnternehmerTUM) (open to TUM & LMU Students)MSc
Innovation Sprint (UnternehmerTUM) (open to TUM & LMU Students)MSc
Tech Challenge (UnternehmerTUM) (open to TUM & LMU Students)Phd & MSc
Starting Up: From Ideas to Successful Business (LMU)*Phd & MSc
impACTup!: Our Impact Entrepreneurship Education (LMU)*Phd & MSc
*Students with interest in the course are encouraged to join the waiting list

Training summer term 2022/23

Starting Up: From Ideas to Successful Business