
Welcome to relAI! – Konrad Zuse School of
Excellence in Reliable AI

The current technological revolution is largely driven by spectacular progress in artificial intelligence (AI). Yet, although the huge potential is widely recognized, the lack of reliability of AI technology is still considered a serious issue of concern, limiting its adoption both by industry and society at large. Indeed, aspects such as safety, security, and privacy-preservation are essential prerequisites for the use of AI in domains of public interest – e.g. ensuring that robots do not endanger life or respecting confidentiality of data.

The vision of the 'Konrad Zuse School of Excellence in Reliable AI' (relAI) is to train future generations of AI experts, who for the first time combine technical brilliance with awareness of the importance of AI’s reliability. Our novel, highly innovative AI program will educate top international candidates in the end-to-end development of reliable AI systems (including scientific knowledge, business expertise, and industrial exposure), both for industry and academia, and perform cutting-edge research to make AI ready for deployment in critical application domains.

relAI trains future generations of AI experts who combine technical brilliance with an eye on AI's implications for society.


  • A team of relAI students in an estimation competition

    This month, a team of 13 talented master and PhD students from our graduate school in reliable AI (relAI) showcased their quantitative skills and teamwork in an exciting estimation competition. The participants had 30 minutes to work on 13 estimation challenges, such as “What is the average discharge of the Isar when it meets the Donau in … Read more

  • relAI at AI-HUB@LMU Grand Opening

    We are pleased to share that on January 29, 2025, relAI will join the opening ceremony of our partner AI-HUB@LMU  to celebrate its founding. AI-HUB@LMU is a platform that, for the first time, unites all 18 faculties of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München as a joint scientific community and aims to advance research, teaching, and transfer in artificial intelligence and … Read more

  • relAI welcomes new Fellows

    relAI warmly welcomes TUM Professors Lorenzo Masia and Bene Wiestler to our school. With the addition of these two excellent fellows, relAI will enhance its research areas “Robotics & Interacting Systems” and “Medicine & Healthcare”.  Lorenzo Masia is a professor of “Intelligent BioRobotic Systems” and serves as the Deputy Director of the Munich Institute for Robotics and … Read more
