Maria Matveev won the Engagement Award 2024

Image Copyright (c): Thomas Abé/Studienstiftung

Congratulations to relAI student Maria Matveev

The German National Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung) has awarded Maria the Civic Engagement Award 2024 for her exceptional volunteering work with Lern-Fair. Maria co-founded and chairs Lern-Fair e.V., a non-profit organization dedicated to providing free educational opportunities for underprivileged pupils. Since the start of the online platform in 2020 during the Covid pandemic, more than 15.000 pupils were supported by free tutoring or group courses. 

Maria is a relAI PhD student at the chair for Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence at LMU and the Munich Center for Machine Learning. Her PhD research, advised by the relAI director Gitta Kutyniok, focuses on the mathematical description and understanding of training dynamics related to generalization, a crucial factor for ensuring the reliability of neural networks. 

Learn more about Marias volunteer work in the video portrait (in German): 

We are proud to announce that the German Radiological Society (Deutsche Röntgengesellschaft) has awarded the Alfred Breit Prize 2024 to our relAI fellow Prof. Julia Schnabel. The prize honors outstanding work and developments in the field of radiological research that have significantly contributed to progress in cancer therapy.

Julia Schnabel is Professor for Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine at the Technical University of Munich TUM (Liesel Beckmann Distinguished Professorship), and Director at the Institute for Machine Learning in Biomedical Imaging at Helmholtz Munich (Helmholtz Distinguished Professorship). Since 2015, she has also been Professor of Computational Imaging at King's College London.

Prof. Schnabel works in the field of medical image processing and machine learning. Her research focuses on the areas of intelligent imaging up to clinical evaluation, including complex motion modeling, image reconstruction, quality assurance, segmentation, and classification applied to multimodal, quantitative, and dynamic imaging.


We are thrilled to congratulate relAI fellow Prof. Sami Haddadin for his elevation to IEEE fellow. This is the highest membership degree of IEEE, the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.  

This prestigious distinction was awarded to the director of the TUM Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MIRMI) “for his contributions to robot safety, tactile robots, and interaction control”. 

Our Congratulations! 

Congratulations to relAI fellows Prof. Sandra Hirche and Prof. Claudia Eckert on receiving the prestigious 2023 Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Medals from TUM.

We are excited that the TUM honors the exceptional achievements of Prof. Dr. Claudia Eckert and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sandra Hirche with the 2023 Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Medals. This annual award of the TUM was presented to the relAI fellows at the recent Dies Academicus in December 2023.  

In the Laudati, Senior Vice President Prof. Gerhard Kramer acknowledged the outstanding contributions of Prof. Dr. Claudia Eckert "at her chair at TUM and as head of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security AISEC with the protection of IT systems against hacker attacks." Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sandra Hirche was recognized for her "groundbreaking work" in control engineering and systems theory. 

A big congratulations to them both! These well-deserved awards are a testament to their dedication and impact in their respective fields, particularly to reliable AI.  

Please find more information about this prestigious price from TUM:  

Congratulations to our relAI director Gitta Kutyniok!

The world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity IEEE has selected Gitta Kutyniok for the elevation to IEEE Fellow, the highest grade of membership in IEEE. Less than 0.1% of voting members are selected for this member grade elevation each year.

The IEEE Fellow Committee recognized her achievements with the following statement: “for contributions to the mathematical theory of artificial intelligence in signal processing and communication”

Congratulations to the relAI PhD Student Lisa Wimmer, the relAI fellow Bernd Bischl, and the relAI director Stephan Günnemann on the best paper award of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2023).

ECML PKDD is Europe’s top machine learning and data mining conference, with over 20 years of successful events and conferences across the continent. The ECML PKDD 2023 was held in Turin, Italy from the 18th to the 22nd of September 2023.

List of authors and title of the awarded paper:Jonas Gregor Wiese, Lisa Wimmer, Theodore Papamarkou, Bernd Bischl, Stephan Günnemann, David Rügamer    
Towards Efficient MCMC Sampling in Bayesian Neural Networks by Exploiting Symmetry

We are proud to report that our relAI fellow Prof. Pramod Bhatotia has received the EuroSys 2023 Jochen Liedtke Young Researcher for his work on systems research.

The EuroSys Jochen Liedtke Young Researcher Award rewards junior European researchers who have demonstrated exceptional creativity and innovation in systems research, broadly construed. The selection committee chooses the recipient based on demonstrated contributions that have had impact and are creative and innovative, along with demonstrated promise for making lasting and fundamental contributions to the field. 

The award is named in honor of Jochen Liedtke, one of the most prominent researchers on microkernel architecture. His work culminated with the L4 microkernel design, which rethought inter-process communication from the ground up. The award is given annually at the EuroSys conference, in memory of Jochen and his fundamental contributions to the systems community.

Find more information here.

On December 1st, relAI director Prof. Stephan Günnemann was awarded the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Medal. TUM presents its highest scientific award to individuals who, through their exceptional achievements in science, technology or medicine, have rendered a great service to the university in their capacity as outstanding lecturers and researchers.
The relAI team congratulates Prof. Günnemann on this recognition of his work and is proud to be headed by this distinguished scientist.