relAI welcomes new Fellows

We are delighted to welcome five exceptional fellows to relAI: Alin Albu-Schäffer, Angela Schoellig, Björn W. Schuller, Christian Wachinger, and Stephan Bauer

Each of them brings their own expertise and insights that will further enrich our research agenda and scientific community. From diverse backgrounds in Medicine, Robotics and Data Science, they are dedicated to making significant contributions to the advancement of reliable AI. 

Alin Albu-Schäffer is director of the Institute of robotics and Mechatronics at the DLR – German Aerospace Center and professor at TUM. Methods of safe AI are attributed special importance in robotics, where artificial intelligence interacts with the physical world through complex machines. His research offers both interesting application fields and new questions for reliable AI. 

Angela Schoellig recently moved to Munich from Toronto upon being awarded an AI Humbold professorship, an award which aims to attract top international scientists to German universities. Further, she is a member of the board of directors at MIRMI. Her Chair of Safety, Performance and Reliability for Learning Systems at TUM perfectly aligns with the research topics of relAI.  

Björn W. Schuller, professor for health informatics at TUM and Klinikum rechts der Isar, works on responsible methods for medicine and healthcare. He has a background in speech recognition and works as the CSO of the Audio Intelligence company audEERING. 

Christian Wachinger is professor for AI in radiology at Klinikum rechts der Isar. A common motif of his research is “Bias and Fairness”, but his research also concerns causal inference and application of AI methods to medicine and healthcare. 

The final addition to relAI is Stephan Bauer, who is senior group leader at Helmholtz and associated professor for Algorithmic Machine Learning & Explainable AI at TUM. His research focuses on causality and deep learning. He also has background in robotics and healthcare as domain application areas of AI. 

Join us in welcoming these five to the relAI community!