relAI Students interested in joining a course from a university different to their affiliation (e.g., LMU Student with interest in a TUM training) are encouraged to contact the relAI Coordinators.
Training summer term 2025
Ethics, unconscious bias, and philosophy | Target Group |
Philosophy of Statistics (LMU) | MSc |
Entrepreneurship, leadership, and business | Target Group |
Basics in Business Administration (TUM) | PhD |
ImpACTup! Foundational Course - Students (LMU) | MSc |
Impact Innovation Labs (TUM&LMU) | MSc |
Science communication and academic development | Target Group |
Scientific Research and Writing with AI (LMU) | PhD |
Presentation Skills (LMU) | PhD |
Scientific Paper Writing (Basics) (TUM) | PhD |
Scientific Writing Workshop – 4 weeks (TUM) | PhD |
Presenting your research in conference talks and poster sessions (TUM) | PhD |
Wissenschaftskommunikation (TUM) | PhD |
Fundamentals of Science Communication (LMU) | PhD |
Kommunikation meistern (LMU) | PhD |
Erfolgreich präsentieren (LMU) | PhD |
Good scientific practice and responsible research | Target Group |
The rules of good scientific practice and its pitfalls in every-day research (TUM) | PhD |
Scientific Integrity and Good Scientific Practice (LMU) | PhD |
Personality and self-management | Target Group |
Self- and Time-Management (LMU) | PhD |
Mental Clarity & Decision-Making in Academia (TUM) | PhD |
Self-confidence and assertiveness (TUM) | PhD |
Emotional Intelligence (TUM) | PhD |
Mental Health (TUM) | PhD |
Exzellent führen. Führend forschen (LMU) | PhD |
Training fall term 2024/25
Ethics, unconscious bias, and philosophy | Target Group |
Agency in a Physical World (LMU) | PhD & MSc |
Unconscious Bias – unbewusste Wahrnehmungsmuster kennen und damit umgehen (TUM)* | PhD & MSc |
Entrepreneurship, leadership, and business | Target Group |
Starting Up: From Ideas to Successful Business (LMU) | PhD & MSc |
ImpACTup! Foundational Course - PhDs (LMU) | PhD |
ImpACTup! Foundational Course - Students (LMU) | MSc |
Impact Innovation Labs (LMU) | PhD & MSc |
Develop Your Entrepreneurial Thinking (TUM) | PhD |
Basics in Business Administration (TUM) | PhD |
Essential Skills for a Career in Industry - How to be more Employable in the Private Sector! (TUM) | PhD |
How to get into the non-academic German job market (TUM) | PhD |
Science communication and academic development | Target Group |
Projekt Dissertation: die Kunst eines zielgerichteten Promotionsmanagements (LMU)* | PhD |
Sprache, Stimme, Körper – überzeugend auftreten und souverän kommunizieren in der Wissenschaft (LMU)* | PhD |
Reasoning and Argumentation (LMU)* | PhD |
Lehrkompetenzen (LMU)* | PhD |
Dissertation Writers' Workshop (TUM) | PhD |
Scientific Writing Workshop (TUM) | PhD |
Presenting your Research in Conference Talks and Poster Sessions (TUM) | PhD |
Scientific Paper Writing (TUM) | PhD |
Collaborative Negotiation (TUM) | PhD |
Good scientific practice and responsible research | Target Group |
E-Learning Course "Scientific Integrity and Good Scientific Practice (LMU) | PhD |
AI and Data Ethics – Introduction for Data Scientists (TUM) | PhD & MSc |
Research Data Management (TUM) | PhD & MSc |
Personality and self-management | Target Group |
Be the change - How to initiate Change and get Doing (TUM) | PhD & MSc |
Fit to enter the new world of work (TUM) | PhD & MSc |
Stress release for the scientific minded (TUM) | PhD |
Mindfulness for Stress Relief (TUM) | PhD |
Get Resilient! (TUM) | PhD |
Emotionale Intelligenz (TUM) | PhD |
Training summer term 2023/24
Ethics | Target Group |
Cross-sectional lecture History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine (TUM) | MSc |
Entrepreneurship, leadership, and business | Target Group |
Impact Innovation Lab (LMU) | PhD & MSc |
Application strategies - How to market yourself (TUM) | PhD |
Starting Up: From Ideas to Successful Business (LMU) | PhD & MSc |
Business Plan Basic Seminar (UnternehmerTUM) (open to TUM & LMU Students) | PhD & MSc |
All Women - drive your life! (TUM) | PhD |
Collaborative Negotiation (TUM) | PhD |
Essential Skills for a Career in Industry - How to Be More Employable in the Private Sector (TUM) | PhD |
Science communication and academic development | Target Group |
Presentation Skills (LMU)* | PhD |
Giving Academic Talks (LMU) | PhD |
Scientific Writing and Yoga Retreat (TUM) | PhD |
Präsentationstraining (LMU) | PhD |
Communication and Teams (LMU) | PhD |
Working and Collaborating as International Researcher - Challenges, Chances, Strategies (LMU) | PhD |
Scientific Writing Workshop (TUM) | PhD |
Optimizing Writing Strategies in English (LMU) | PhD |
Scientific Paper Writing (Advanced) (TUM) | PhD |
Presenting your Research in Conference Talks and Poster Sessions (TUM) | PhD |
Project Management and Time Management: Realize your goals in an efficient and resilient way (TUM) | PhD |
Online Scientific Presentations: Present your Results Convincingly (TUM) | PhD |
Networking (TUM) | PhD |
Good scientific practice and responsible research | Target Group |
eLearning: Good Research Practice during Doctoral (TUM) | PhD |
E-Learning Course "Scientific Integrity and Good Scientific Practice" (LMU) | PhD |
Personality and self-management | Target Group |
Self-confidence and assertiveness: Strong in challenging situations (TUM) | PhD |
The Powerful Voice (TUM) | PhD |
Stress release for the scientific minded (TUM) | PhD |
Mental Health (TUM) | PhD |
Emotional Intelligence (TUM) | PhD |
Training fall term 2023/24
Science communication and academic development | Target Group |
Lesestrategien für Wissensarbeiter:innen (TUM) | PhD |
Scientific Writing and Yoga Retreat (TUM) | PhD |
Wissenschaftliches Schreiben -- mit kreativen Methoden leicht gemacht (TUM) | PhD |
Scientific Paper Writing Basics (TUM) | PhD |
Scientific Writing Workshop - 8 weeks (TUM) | PhD |
Presenting your Research in Conference Talks and Poster Sessions (TUM) | PhD |
Dissertation Writers' Workshop (TUM) | PhD |
Presentation Basics: Present your Results Convincingly (TUM) | PhD |
Designing and Presenting Scientific Posters (LMU) | PhD |
Writing and Publishing of Papers, Reviews and Theses (LMU) | PhD |
Good scientific practice and responsible research | Target Group |
eLearning: Good Research Practice during Doctoral (TUM) | PhD |
Scientific Integrity and Good Scientific Practice (LMU) | PhD |
Entrepreneurship, leadership, and business | Target Group |
All Women - drive your life! (TUM) | PhD |
Be a strong and authentic female leader (TUM) | PhD |
Artificial Intelligence for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (UnternehmerTUM) (open to TUM & LMU Students) | MSc |
Innovation Sprint (UnternehmerTUM) (open to TUM & LMU Students) | MSc |
Tech Challenge (UnternehmerTUM) (open to TUM & LMU Students) | Phd & MSc |
Starting Up: From Ideas to Successful Business (LMU)* | Phd & MSc |
impACTup!: Our Impact Entrepreneurship Education (LMU)* | Phd & MSc |