relAI Retreat

On November 18-20, relAI held its first retreat in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. The retreat opened with a warm welcome of the relAI directors Prof. Dr. Stephan Günnemann and Prof. Dr. Gitta Kutyniok to the first cohort of relAI PhD and master’s students. It was followed by scientific sessions with keynote presentations by the relAI fellows Prof. Dr. Frauke Kreuter (LMU), Prof. Dr. Pramod Bhatotia (TUM), Prof. Dr. Georg Kaissis (TUM), Prof. Dr. Eyke Hüllermeier (LMU) and  Prof. Dr. Michael Ingrisch (LMU) about their research activities across the four relAI focus areas, as well as research talks by the relAI PhD and master’s students. As a part of team building activities, the participants had the chance to discover the beautiful surrounding area of Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

This week we welcomed our first MSc & PhD student cohort of our Konrad Zuse School of Excellence in Reliable AI. We spent the 2. day at Allianz Arena with our MSc & PhD students, introducing the program, discussing research, and getting to know each other during a tour of the stadium.

This week we welcomed our first MSc & PhD student cohort of our Konrad Zuse School of Excellence in Reliable AI. We had a great first evening getting to know each other at Stiglerie with our relAI fellows and academic and industry partners.

Dr. Emmelie Korell (TUM), Dr.-Ing. Monika Michaelis (LMU) und Philipp Hanisch (TU Dresden)

On 21. and 22. September, 2022, members of the DAAD Konrad Zuse Schools relAI and SECAI joined the Forum Research in Germany 2022 (#ForumRiG22) in Berlin.

relAI Team at the kick-off event
relAI Team at the kick-off event

On 19. and 20. September, 2022, the speakers of the three DAAD Konrad Zuse Schools relAI, ELIZA and SECAI convened at the Deutsches Museum, Bonn, to celebrate the inauguration of the newly established schools.