relAI PhD student Sarah Ball wins OII Award

We are delighted to announce that one of our relAI PhD students, Sarah Ball, has won the 2022 OII MSc Thesis Prize. The prize is one of the three awarded by the Oxford Internet Institute (OII) for the best thesis from the MSc in Social Science of the internet and the MSc in Social Data Science. Her thesis title is: Triple standard in venture financing? The impact of an entrepreneur’s gender on investment decisions in equity crowdfunding. For more details, please follow the link below. 

Find more information here.

For those interested in getting to know more about our initiatives and goals, the DAAD interview with our director Prof. Günnemann will be a helpful read. You will learn about how relAI was shaped and conceived. The interview emphasizes how relAI, as one of the three Zuse Schools in Germany, is helping to ensure that Germany based research and development in artificial intelligence (AI) becomes a globally recognized hallmark of quality.

Find more information on the interview here.

On November 18-20, relAI held its first retreat in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. The retreat opened with a warm welcome of the relAI directors Prof. Dr. Stephan Günnemann and Prof. Dr. Gitta Kutyniok to the first cohort of relAI PhD and master’s students. It was followed by scientific sessions with keynote presentations by the relAI fellows Prof. Dr. Frauke Kreuter (LMU), Prof. Dr. Pramod Bhatotia (TUM), Prof. Dr. Georg Kaissis (TUM), Prof. Dr. Eyke Hüllermeier (LMU) and  Prof. Dr. Michael Ingrisch (LMU) about their research activities across the four relAI focus areas, as well as research talks by the relAI PhD and master’s students. As a part of team building activities, the participants had the chance to discover the beautiful surrounding area of Garmisch-Partenkirchen.