Coordinator of Konrad Zuse School relAI (TUM)
Management Office
Munich Data Science Institute
Technical University Munich
Walther-von-Dyck-Straße 10
85748 Garching, Germany
Andrea is Coordinator of the Konrad Zuse School relAI, a science manager at the Munich Data Science Institute (MDSI) of the Technical University of Munich. She is responsible for developing and organizing events and training courses and is the main contact person for fellows and for academic and industrial partners.
Andrea studied Chemistry at TU Darmstadt and received her PhD in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from Philipps University Marburg. In her thesis, she worked on a bio- and chemo-informatics topic (Drug Design). Since then, she has been working in industry in Research&Development as well as in Sales (LION bioscience, Heidelberg) and as a PostDoc and lecturer in academia (EMBL, Heidelberg; TU Munich: Bioinformatics; University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf: Bioengineering). Her research passion is making protein structures and protein annotations easily accessible for everyone to help generate biochemical and biomedical knowledge (see e.g. Aquaria Covid resource).