Max Beier


Chair of Information-oriented Control (ITR) at TUM

Barer Straße 21, 4th floor
80333, Munich

Max obtained his Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering in 2020 at Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Stuttgart with Bosch. His interest in learning from data where models from first principles fail drove him to enroll in the Robotics, Cognition, Intelligence Master at TUM, where he graduated in 2023.

During his studies, he came to love systems and control as a framework for building models in the face of complex interactions. Since 2023, he has been pursuing his PhD with Prof. Hirche. He is particularly interested in learning practical dynamical systems representations in terms of utilizing the inherent structure in dynamical systems data, provable learning theoretic guarantees and uncertainty quantification.

relAI Topics: Mathematical and Algorithmic Foundations, Robotics and Interacting Systems, Safety